
Power Up Your Energy Post Workout

Having trouble keeping up the energy post your workout? We can feel your dilemma and hence we came up with some tips to power up your energy so you can move more. See the infographic below for the power up tips.


Family Activities

6 Family Fitness Ideas

Exercise is not the only way to keep yourself physically fit. Keep your daily physical activity with families entertaining and everyone will get a workout – without even realizing it.

These days school offers limited options of physical activities for your children. And evenings are mostly spent in doing homework and the video games for most. It is prime necessity to keep you child active.

Try these fun activities to keep your kids active:

Be complete silly
Walk like bear, run like gorilla and hop like rabbit. Let your children see how much fun you can have while being physically active.

Schedule a game time for entire family
Get the whole family involved in fun games like catch ball, rope jumping and tug of war.

Make chores a friendly challenge
Let the homely chores be a challenge for members. Set up a friendly challenge like who can collect most litter from the neighborhood or who picks up the most garbage from the garden.

Put your kids in charge
Ask your children to take a turn choosing physical activities for the day or weekend. This way you can find what your children like to do.

Organize an activity party
Rather than usual birthday party, try to organize a party that involves physical activity. Take your child to bowling, wall climbing or set up a relay race in the backyard.

Explore non-traditional sports
Instead of cricket, football and basket ball try activities such as badminton, dancing, martial arts or skating.

At last don’t forget to get yourself in the game. If you set the example, it’s more likely that everyone else will follow you and join you.


Hints for Your Kids’ Healthy Heart

Take charge of your child’s heart health by developing habits now that will reap benefits later in life.



Manage stress at your desk in JUST 2 minutes

Imagine if you could relax, feel better and be more productive, by doing something in only 2 minutes.

May be it’s 1 PM or 5 PM, you’re feeling stiff, tired and a bit sluggish in your office. We have this amazing video tutorial from Judi Bar, a certified Yoga Therapist at Cleveland Clinic. She demonstrates 2 minutes of simple stretches you can do right in your chair.

These activities combine deep breathing and some muscle movements to help lose them. Habit of doing these stretches has even more benefits like managing stress and lowering blood pressure.
