How is a Stroke related to Coronary Heart Disease?

Yes, Coronary heart disease (angina and heart attack) and a stroke are co-related and can be caused by the same problem, called atherosclerosis.
Let’s understand what’s a “Stroke”?
Stroke – It occurs when blood flow to an area of brain is cut off. Our brain need a constant supply of blood to keep it working properly. So when the blood flow to the brain is cut off, it causes the brain cells to damage or die.
How is a brain stroke and heart disease related?
Both these diseases can be caused by a common problem atherosclerosis. It is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries within the wall, gradually narrowing it.

  1. So if blood clot blocks the artery to your heart, causing the cut off of proper blood flow to the heart, causing heart attack.
  2. And if the blood clot block the artery to your brain, causing the cut off of proper blood flow to the brain, causing a stroke.

Let’s understand how this is related. Check out the informative video below:

Learn the early signs of an unhealthy heart to watch for, including surprising symptoms that your heart is weak, such as a high resting heart rate and anxiety.

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